Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Vex Robotics Competition Part 2: Creativty and Costumes

Some of the costumes at the Vex Robotics Competition were truly proof that creativity and engineering does go hand in hand. Every group had custom designed t-shirts that [usually] one of their team members had created. In addition to this there were pins, wristbands, stickers, temporary tattoos, etc with these crazy logos too not to mention the crazy costumes the team mascots were wearing. I've attached a few of my favorites.

 The girl on the right was so sweet, she gave me T-Vex Wristband too :) Plus her shorts matched her shirt.

Not sure how much detail is on here but the guy on the rights hoodie was a bunch of chibis on gears one of their teammates drew it.
I wasn't able to catch this group from China for a good shot so sorry about the blur. The Purdue guys on the right were amusing. That horse head freaks me out though.
Random Mascot costumes. The one on the left was created by a team member of a previous year, completely out of soda cans, pretty cool. The guy on the right's cape had his group emblem on it.

This girl was crazy amazing! I got her name so I'll have to tag her in this once I find where I placed it. She worked on it throughout the whole competition. Their team name was Digital Storm and the area that's written on she drew out the background in green as binary. Pretty cool.

This little guy here was my personal favorite. Apparently a team member of the Vex-Men had created it, it's all completely hand machined. Sweeeeet.

That's it for now. Enjoy.


N. Riazi


  1. I want to make one of those Wall-E Robots!!! Nassim, can we please? :-D

    1. haha lets do it! , if you're here this summer we can make it a kind of summer project.
