Sunday, August 12, 2012

I Want That Hair

So I (and every other persian I know) have been overflowing with pride after Bobak Ferdowsi, the Mars Curiosity Flight Director, helped land the rover. I've had the international satellite hooked up while I've been home and every one of my home channels have been raving over him. I personally cannot get over that hair . After the event he has apparently become an overnight heartthrob.

"Instant fame led to a NASA Needs More Mohawks  Tumblr dedicated to him, a rash of online marriage proposals , a string of meme photos of Ferdowsi at mission control, and loads of adoring fan art. " (source)

My favorite meme of these being:

So I just wanted to say how happy I am seeing someone from my country involved in the same field making history. Kudos to you Bobak and best of luck in the future; hopefully that'll be me someday. 


N. Riazi