Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tech Tuesday! AppTag Laser Blaster

Ok so I finally decided to make my tech days a weekly thing. Tuesday also sounds a whole lot better than Wednesdays; I mean, who doesn't love alliteration. I considered calling it: Random shit I really want Tuesdays but it didn't sound as nice :)

So who likes Laser Tag? Ok how about who doesn't like laser tag? No hands? Fantastic. So I guess some genius somewhere realized that our generation today spends far more time on their iphones than outside in the real world and decided why not make life easier for the couch loving masses! (I apologize for the sarcasm. I honestly think this thing is incredible. I'm just grouchy from packing).
Let me introduce you to the AppTag Laser Blaster. Imagine FPS (that's first person shooter to those of you out there who can live without gaming systems) shooter games meets traditional laser tag all on the convenience of your smart phone (works for iOS and Android). You can switch weapons, pick up health packs, and keep track of scores via wifi. Pretty dang cool.

Until next week!


N. Riazi

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