Monday, March 12, 2012

SmartSite and MySpace

For all you UCD'ers, there is ONE tool that many people don't know about: Myspace.

No, no, this isn't the pre-Facebook social medium tool that we all came to love and hate. This is your when-your-flashdrive-doesn't-work-or-get's-lost flashdrive.  The university has a server that you can use to store your files and webpage links which...I think...can hold 2 GB.

So, how do you get to Myspace? Great question! 

  • Sign into SmartSite
  • "My Workspace"
  •  "Resources" (like you would for a class)
  • "Myspace Files"
  • From this interface, you can upload/download files, create folders (to keep yourself organized), and "Add Weblinks" for those moments when you need to save a webpage, but you're not at home.
There are also ways to directly upload via "My Computer." Directions for that can be found here.  Some prefer this way, especially if you are uploading many files simultaneously.

I know a lot of people (including engineers) don't know that this service exists.  Take advantage of it! Don't lose your files!


*It's also cool to note that you can make your own "Smartsite" through the "Site Setup" link.  I've used it for clubs and other design projects to keep track of things.


  1. "This feature has been slated for retirement since the Summer of 2011 and has been restricted to only existing users since the beginning of Fall Quarter."

    If you try to use MySpace now, this message will inform new users that we are not able to take advantage of it.

    1. Sorry for not noting the Myspace change. When I transferred my files from Myspace to Smartsite, I marked the folder "Myspace." All users won't have a folder named the same.

      However, all of the directions noted above STILL apply.
